Paris.js #60

Chez Onepoint

Lien meetup
  • DocSearch: The easiest way to add search to your documentation

    Everytime you discover a new framework or library, you have to spend time in its documentation. If you've recently used React, React Native, Eslint or Yarn you might have noticed that they have an ultra fast and relevant searchbar to let you find your content easily. They are using DocSearch, a entirely free product, that automatically crawl a documentation website every 24h, coupled with a tiny JS library to display results in a dropdown menu. In this talk I will explain how DocSearch works internally, and how you can easily add it to your own documentation.
      • Five minutes before prod

        This talk is about how we build & deploy a complex AngularJS/TypeScript app in production at Aircall. I will describe what happens between a git push production command and the release of it (Webpack build, tests & AWS CodeDeploy). I will release a new Aircall feature in live, during the talk. As we use a continuous integration and delivery platform, the talk will be animated with the life cycle of a build.
            • JavaScript, Unicode and the Emoji family

              In this quick lightning talk I want to go into into Unicode and have a look at Emojis specifically. How does JavaScript treat Unicode and why do the following examples work? Why does this work? [...'👨‍👩‍👦'] // ["👨", "‍", "👩", "‍", "👦"] And what's the deal with this? '👨‍👩‍👦'.length // 8
                • Stop wasting your users' time, make them happy

                  You're in the metro and want to load your favorite web app. After waiting 10 seconds without any response from the app, you close your browser, angry. How can you avoid this classic user story? With this talk, learn how to take advantage of your web application loading time! On the menu: picture optimizing, uncommon loaders, preloading templates, requests orchestration...
                    • Understanding REST APIs in 5 Simple Steps

                      As APIs have become increasingly more important and popular in usage in the past few years in web development, it is important to understand the basics of what they are and why to use them. I will be going over the basics in 5 Easy Steps. You will learn the basics of REST APIs and I will show you how you can use POSTMAN to test making REST API calls.
                        • Why I stopped using npm

                          I'll explain why you have to start using Yarn instead of npm, how to do it, and what to keep in mind.